brand history – a chance for advertising campaigns?
a short commercial about the brand mini exploring the
connection between a brands history and customer relationships
as part of my bachelor thesis.
it highlights the over 60 year long adventure of building a unique product, strong brand identity and a beloved companion for many: from the first revolution in the late 50's solving problems with disruptive concepts to the newest revolution with their release of the MINI Cooper SE and future plans of going all electric.
this doesn't stand in any direct connection with BMW or MINI.
and i know the new mini that is shown is not a MINI Cooper SE,
buuut i couldn't get one. shit happens :)

model – vanessa finck.
camera – valentin otto.
drone | bts – lukas bäumchen.
location – mario ruminsky.
classic mini – adrian burghard.
new mini – stefan burghard.
thank you.